The shows have started!

But I’m on the floor teaching rather than jumping myself.
First show yesterday for Silvia and Rulle since September. We have been training a lot!
The show went ok. I did all trainer duties as well as I could but show nerves got the better of Silvia. A real shame as I have promised both her and her competitors as a real threat this year.
My riding is coming on so strong! In the saddle I count myself as already 85%!
On the floor round about 65%, so big difference.
I do my exercises every day. Mostly for balance and yoga with Linda which is a combination of equilibrium and strength.
She does kundalini yoga which is quite medical and precise. I now manage to do 26 frogs in a row. When I started yoga I could do maybe 7-8 frogs.
A frog is where you in kundalini yoga stand on your toes with your heals together. Your hands are on floor in front of you, thumbs pointing together and other fingers spread out but standing up on finger tips. Then on in-breath by straitening your legs and allowing your head to come down, you then breathe out and flex your knees and look up and forward. Very hard!
Linda jokingly told me if a man can do 108 frogs he is a keeper… How about if he can only do say 5-8? Can I keep him regardless?
I have had some awesome feedback on the blog. I am down to writing it on my phone now so therefore not as frequent as I’d like. But spelling might improve!
I am thinking of rewriting some of the blog and add some things from the hospital before the rehabilitation in Switzerland. I believe we have it all in us. To stay strong and work through tough times. I believe my strength might be that I never find myself regretting things I have done. If I cannot make a change to something that bothers me, I simply will put it in black and white and make it small and hide it behind one of my memory pillars somewhere in my vast empty brain.
The two no maybe three things I’d like to get better at is drawing, writing and singing. I have lost hope ( put in black and white made it small and hit it behind inspiration pillar) of my playing any type of instrument. As I now would not only have to work against my low capacity of separating left and right hand when I play piano or guitar, but now I also have a left hand not strong enough or capable of working fingers separately. Hey ho! I’m sure if I keep on working there might be a chance for me to take up basic strumming in a year or two.
Oh yesterday on several occasions people approached me and talked to me and I had no recollection of their faces. So we were at a show, it meant they were horse related. Most of them probably knows about my accident, the others might have found me a bit weird, on the other hand I have always not been their cup of normal, so I can just sigh and relax.
As I can’t drive until October (b&w small, hide behind pillar of ways of getting around)I am now always looking for company to take me away from the stable or just come over for a coffee everything will be considered!
Keep smiling 🙂 I’ll keep practicing my singing, drawing and writing!

The shows have started!

But I’m on the floor teaching rather than jumping myself.
First show yesterday for Silvia and Rulle since September. We have been training a lot!
The show went ok. I did all trainer duties as well as I could but show nerves got the better of Silvia. A real shame as I have promised both her and her competitors as a real threat this year.
My riding is coming on so strong! In the saddle I count myself as already 85%!
On the floor round about 65%, so big difference.
I do my exercises every day. Mostly for balance and yoga with Linda which is a combination of equilibrium and strength.
She does kundalini yoga which is quite medical and precise. I now manage to do 26 frogs in a row. When I started yoga I could do maybe 7-8 frogs.
A frog is where you in kundalini yoga stand on your toes with your heals together. Your hands are on floor in front of you, thumbs pointing together and other fingers spread out but standing up on finger tips. Then on in-breath by straitening your legs and allowing your head to come down, you then breathe out and flex your knees and look up and forward. Very hard!
Linda jokingly told me if a man can do 108 frogs he is a keeper… How about if he can only do say 5-8? Can I keep him regardless?
I have had some awesome feedback on the blog. I am down to writing it on my phone now so therefore not as frequent as I’d like. But spelling might improve!
I am thinking of rewriting some of the blog and add some things from the hospital before the rehabilitation in Switzerland. I believe we have it all in us. To stay strong and work through tough times. I believe my strength might be that I never find myself regretting things I have done. If I cannot make a change to something that bothers me, I simply will put it in black and white and make it small and hide it behind one of my memory pillars somewhere in my vast empty brain.
The two no maybe three things I’d like to get better at is drawing, writing and singing. I have lost hope ( put in black and white made it small and hit it behind inspiration pillar) of my playing any type of instrument. As I now would not only have to work against my low capacity of separating left and right hand when I play piano or guitar, but now I also have a left hand not strong enough or capable of working fingers separately. Hey ho! I’m sure if I keep on working there might be a chance for me to take up basic strumming in a year or two.
Oh yesterday on several occasions people approached me and talked to me and I had no recollection of their faces. So we were at a show, it meant they were horse related. Most of them probably knows about my accident, the others might have found me a bit weird, on the other hand I have always not been their cup of normal, so I can just sigh and relax.
As I can’t drive until October (b&w small, hide behind pillar of ways of getting around)I am now always looking for company to take me away from the stable or just come over for a coffee everything will be considered!
Keep smiling 🙂 I’ll keep practicing my singing, drawing and writing!

So the riding continues!

Now I am more back riding, and also mucking out and grooming horses, everything to bring me back to my former glory!

My friends are divided. Some think I do things too quickly, others are so chuffed I am getting back to the normal me so fast. I am divided. On a horse I feel normal. It might be that my spine knows riding better than it knows walking or running. I don’t even feel weaker on my left side on a horse. Even just of the horse standing next to it or sitting down I feel weaker on my left side. So on a horse I now work walk trot and canter and I can get the horses really work.

The lateral flatwork is insanely the same standard as it always has been, even on Lara that was taking advantage of Elena’s weak side by changing canter has stopped doing it with me immediately.

I also have been going to the gym successfully. Yesterday i spent an hour at the gym and today about an hour and a half on horses or mucking out stables.

The rest of my life is getting back in to how it used to be except No driving and No going on  bikes for now.

Dan is in the UK with his dad at the moment. It’s quite lonely here without him, but we busy ourselves. Today by singing in the swedish church!

I have also coloured my hair. It became blue… It was supposed to be purple, but I now have Katie Perry blue hair…. Ah never mind, bad hair day is nothing that really bothers me. I’m honestly too caught up in getting stronger and better that worrying about my hair comes quite low down on my list… Although I am coloring it, so I must therefore care even if just a little bit.

Now I’m going to try and get my 2 older girls to have a much needed bath. They have stoically denied the offers of warm bath so now rather than offering i might start telling them to go have a bath…. or else…..

Keep Smiling 🙂 I can’t stop smiling at the time, even when my hair is blue and my Dan is away!

Weekend again!

So today another Saturday, but it all started a little too early for me at 2am.

Millie woke up, and there was no sign of Nicola who had been out earlier with Frida in Palma. Millie had thrown up all over herself and her cot. Dan braved her majesty by himself for 20min and then came in and asked me to help out as she was angry, awake and in no mood to take her medicines.

After an hour up we had assembled her travel cot and put her in it. When she finally gave in for sleep, child number 2 entered the room. Myrna and she was soon followed by Mel. Oh dear we also received an sms regarding Nicola and a problem with her hip that had made it necessary to go to hospital. When we called her and Fridas mobiles no one picked up so amongst stirring children and crying babies there was obviously some worries for lovely Niknak.

In the morning when it finally arrived, I was more than tired. But it felt like a real tiredness. From yesterdays gym visit (oh yeah!) and riding Lucky! So my motor system could not wake up at all. A turn over in the bed made the room spinning (great as I’m not allowed on any fun rides for a while) and a large continuous sleep without children as they went downstairs with their loving father!

So today has been a little bit of a blur. I can say it’s been windy. No exaggeration. I have never heard wind like that before. Very scary. I went downstairs at 10 for breakfast. Was setting myself up for a very slow day as I lost my balance every time I put my head in a new position. I cancelled all lessons and my own riding as the wind kept blowing. I was trying to see what god I could do, training wise there was not that much I could do. Some passing of balls and the new eye exercises… oh so hard! And who knew they would get that much harder by either singing or balancing on one leg… Oh the mysteries of the human body! You just don’t appreciate how much you just do when you do something. Now I have to concentrate and focus even for the most amateur move. I’m not impressed.

The only time I feel like before the accident is when I am on top of a horse. Probably shouldn’t say this but when I rode Lucky yesterday I was doing all sorts of exercises on her to improve my balance. I even trotted a few steps! But all down to safety first and after half a lap I decided it was enough trot! After I had ridden and given a lesson I ignored the tiredness creeping in and decided to go to the gym first time.

I had to go to the gym guys all pumped up to an millimetre of perfection and show them my un-syncronized self and tell them my story of four hellish months. The problem when you see people for the first time, they always get so impressed on “how quickly” my recovery has been and “how far” I have come back. I don’t tell them right back “how would you know? you didn’t know me before”. `But this is what goes on in my brain. My slow working, but still working brain.

When I try to explain to people things I now get wrong or forget, the constant answer back is “oh, don’t worry about that! It happens to me all the time!” So then I think a. you are only saying that to make me feel better or b. if you mean this why on earth are we friends? As I know the old me would be far more switched on than the new me. And the old me would not have had enough time to spend with half baked imbeciles. A few things I have had confirmed by the way are things I have not been wrong about. I have realised my memory even though it seams weak at times is pretty good other times. A saying in Sweden that was used by our old neighbour for example. The way I remembered it was correct and even though I can’t remember who doubted me at the time, they will remember the saying:

“I’d rather eat well my self, than seeing my children starve” “Jag äter hellre bra själv än se mina barn svälta” So there you go! Thats the saying!

On other parts I’m delusional. I can’t get the day right. I forget things like my phone, hand bag, keys, like never before. I can’t taste things. I used to compensate by over indulging in candy and sweets but now I have been sweet free for almost 2 weeks! I have lost almost 3 kg, but think they were mostly fat kilos. It’s a real shame my tastebuds aren’t working as I now don’t enjoy eating at all. But maybe the herbal tabs I have been taking to help my body take out the amalgam is making my taste buds weaker. My cousin told me this and Monday is the final day so then we will see.

Canora (mums horse she bought from me) won at Wellington show yesterday!! With over 3.5seconds! Alexander Zetterman is the rider now, but Julie Andrews that brought her on for me when I owned her should be very proud!

Trying to watch Silent Witness now. Very hardcore. I know good will win in the end, but it looks bleak right now.

Keep Smiling 🙂 Even though it looks bleak from time to time life is a place where you get to keep learning. Maybe when you have learnt enough, your brain percentage has to be culled a bit or other people to catch up. What do I know? I’m only a show jumper and horse trainer that now also talks to injured animals.