So again excuses for my absence. As you all know by now, hearing nothing from me is normally a good thing. It means everything is A ok! Naturally I have a busy lifestyle that won’t allow me time to do things like writing a blog or updating anything digital. So I am getting back in shape. Well at least until yesterday.
During a nice morning run in the Stäket forest I managed to find a root to stumble over. I fell hard on to my left side. I managed to turn around mid fall, hence no face or collarbone was involved in the fall. Instead it was my rude left finger.
As I still suffer a little bit with lower sensation on my left hand I wasn’t too worried. There was a little pain, more uncomfortable than painful so I decided to leave the hand and get on with the more important things ahead, my mothers blessing ceremony.
My mother and her husband Oliver were having their blessing ceremony in Västra Ryds church and I was going to help with the cousin choir as well as sing a couple of songs in the church and at the markee later on. There wasn’t really time to reflect over possibility that one might have broken anything, the show had to go on!
After a delightful blessing service and a most magical afternoon and evening I went to bed happy that the hand seamed to be ok.
Then I woke up.
My hand several different shades and colors and a whole new shape. Luckily I knew my step-brother had a good tape I could use to tape my fingers together as we were going out on a boat trip at lake Mälaren. Said and done! Tape of light blue version was strapped around 3 fingers. At least it would keep people away from accidentally touching the finger.
As day went on the hand and the finger never improved. We had a great day out at sea, but when we came back home I knew we had a busy week ahead and I just didn’t want to let this finger ruin everything.
So at 8pm I decided (after talking to a nurse on the telephone) that I should go to the när-akuten. It’s a more local accident and emergency.
I managed to get my uncle Johan to drive me to the hospital. There we found the när-akuten, basically an accident and emergency without any proper doctors… who by the way also did not have any x-ray possibility after 8pm. After parting with €350 I was sent to the orthopedic section. To wait and see a doctor. This was a good 4 hours ago. I have seen a nurse. She said I definitely have to see a doctor as she was not impressed by my color or shape of my naughty finger.
It’s getting gradually worse. There is no forward moving on the queues of other sick people. It’s incomprehensible. How now that I’ve been transferred to accident and emergency it’s like going backwards, people here takes no notice of you. A guy next seat has a dislocated and fractured hand. He is just sitting here, waiting for his plaster and re-jigging. He has been here from 7pm. So he has already been X-rayed. And he is still just sat here.
Gosh my hand is really strange shape and I’ve just realized I’m in a new day! 8/8/2019!
Swedish hospital system is sooooo weird! I have no idea how this system can ever work? There is nobody to advise or inform us anything. The waiting room is mostly filling up with worried relatives. And me and my bad hand dude.
If anyone knows anything about how to work the strange system please send me a note!
I was just surprised as I overheard 2 people speaking Swedish! Then I realized I’m in Sweden!
I hope to get to see a doctor soon!
Keep smiling 🙂 even when you are alone waiting, you can make new friends!
Det är sommar, semestrar brist på personal osv .. så akuten fungerat dåligt om man inte är dödssjuk, och det är ju några som är så de tas om hand och resten av patienterna får vänta. Jag åkte fram och åter till akuten på Danderyd när jag brutit handen, så långa väntetider att jag gav upp några gånger. Jag var ju gipsad men det klämde så illa att fingrarna domnade, och smärtlindringen inte hjälpte. Blev ju sedan opererad så jag är nöjd.
Bra att du åkte till akuten med ditt finger! Messade mor din att du borde göra det. Rtg stänger klockan tre på närakuten. Är du gipsad nu? Krya kram
Hej Lotta
Inte gipsad men tror det är något ligament fel, kan fortfarande inte böja fingrar och gör ont då jag försöker göra något. Det tar väl tid…
Blev du rtg?
Ja de såg inget större fraktur, fast tror det mer är ledband som gått av. Jag väntar tills åter Mallorca där det finns sjukvård jag kan relatera till.
Katastrofalt att du inte fått bättre hjälp, semestertider eller ej det är ju sjukvård det handlar om! Hoppas du bli bra snart, såg då inte kul ut!
Vi ses på Mallis!