It’s been a long 3 weeks but finally I have managed to get back on a horse! I know it’s not everyone’s first thought of healthy re-hab but for me it’s the number 1 thing getting back to any kind of “normality”.
On a separate point I should just also mention that I have done pilates and yoga as well this week so I am getting a bit more back to active me! The first time I did pilates I couldn’t do anything afterwards. It was compleatly energy zapping. The day after I felt fine. The yoga I did was a “normal” vinyasa class. With headstands and series of planks. Of course I didn’t manage to do all of the movements but I managed 80% more of less. And as my muscles ached the day after I must have done something right!
The weather in Mallorca has not been too kind. Lots of rain which I am sure the flowers love, but unfortunately for us the arenas where we ride is something more like lakes.
Yesterday I managed to borrow my old champion horse Lara that has been sold to a young rider at my stables. The arenas were not working with us so I just rode around the parking and hacking on the roads around the farm.
Today was a little bit better with at least no more rain during the morning. I managed to properly work Imze along the outside of our big arena. It’s funny, 3 weeks of a horse really can take it out of you. I really feel there is a big challenge for the body to adopt. It probably is partly the chemo so I won’t divulge to far into feeling sorry for my self. Chemo, however lethal it is, is being used on me to try and kill the cancer and cure me. Simpels…
Today we also had a meeting with the founder of Ziva Raw food, Petra. She went through what is healthy to eat and what to avoid. Basically her opening sentence was -“No fruit is allowed, too much fructose” and onwards and upwards from there… -“You should try a detox”.
Well a detox involves 7-10 days only drinking special green smooties. It gives you a lot of energy and cleans your body from the inside. I’m sure it’s a fantastic way of cleansing your self and improving your immune system, but I’m not sure starting it whilst having chemo is the way forward. We will see.
A package arrived in the mail today. My wonderful cousin Cecilia had baked some ginger soaked macaroons, one was ginger with a filling of salted caramel, the other one was chocolate with a white chocolate abc ginger filling! Thankfully they arrived before our meeting with the Raw food guru so we had an almost guilt free sample! They were out of this world and as I’m having my next chemo next week I am going to try and save them for my “after chemo” treat! Ginger was good last time!
Keep smiling 🙂 not nauseous, riding, active! My life is almost normal!!!
Dear Emilie , it’s so nice to hear that you are feeling next to normal !
Emelie, I have just heard from Skelly and Mary Bedson about your cancer. I am so sorry to hear your having to go through this after everything you have been through! If there is anything I can do for you please don’t hesitate to ask. Take great care of yourself and keep that wonderful smile that you always seem to have even though life keeps throwing these obstacles in your way xxx