Hello again!
I have had my first ozone therapy today! Unfortunately my blood pressure was to low they couldn’t remove blood from me to then add the ozone, instead I got new water and ozone mixed and then intravenously injected… I should probably start to feel it soon. But maybe even just still being awake is proof of the ozone working.
Having an addictive personality is never really good for you! Too much of even very good things is not a good thing. My newest addiction is green tea… Or white tea… The problem is the lack of toilets when you are out and about. Don’t drink liters of tea unless you know that you will have access to a loo…
Tomorrow I am traveling over to the cold cold island in the west. England here I come! I was trying out skiing pants to wear for the 3 days I’ll be sat indoors of Aintree to watch my horses jump. Sadly my discreet pants don’t fit any more… The bright pink ones might have to do… Ah well I guess that’s not a first for me, wearing pink, and be proud of it!
Today has been a very busy day and now I’ve even managed to get in to Palma to do some shopping! Maybe it is the ozone working?! At 9.30 this morning I was ready to go back to bed.
Keep Smiling 🙂 today year of the horse! Feel and fill your life for new beginnings!