Seriously stuck on sofa in front of either a program on tv or an information on different subjects to learn new things on YouTube!
I can now solder! Honestly, I have leant a whole bunch of techniques of how to solder different metals. At least I now know the how to, I just need 2 hands to prove I can do it physically.
There is one thing above most others that I hate saying, it’s “I can’t”. I now find myself several times a day having the “I can’t”s on their way out of my mouth! It’s by far the most de-nerving experience! I’m most definitely bad at accepting defeat. It’s not really any of my finest character skills along with patience, chill out, slowing down… Ah well there are many of my traits that still need to improve, a lot. I am working on it, now I have to spend so much time in my own presence I have to better the old me.
People have asked me if the sofa and sitting still is not driving me insane or if I don’t get bored senseless but in all honesty, I don’t at all ever get bored of being me! Life only gets as good as you make it, if you learn to like who you are and accept the situation you might be in you get further. And no I’ll go a bit further don’t just accept but appreciate where you are just now. That’s how I get by a day after another. Even a day like today where my family are away and I am in the house mostly by myself I appreciate the quiet, that I can listen to my music and watch whatever I want on the tv!
There has been excellent HOYS (horse of the year) action on SKY sports 4!!! I was supposed to be there this week, but as flying with broken leg means you have to pay for 3 seats as well as I am not too sure of how I would make my way around HOYS as I can’t drive a wheelchair and it would end up in a whole lot of hopping and not so much relaxation. So me and my tv are on it and I get to see most action. Let’s hope tonight will show Unorthodox Blue (Jerry) my pony jumping in the Foxhunter final today.
Today I was back teaching for the second time since accident! I sit on a chair outside arena with my leg up. Today I did 5 lessons straight after each other! It was awesome. I clearly had the best “pick nick” packed and was ready for my students! We had only one incident that required a bit of on ground intervention, but as Elena was there I could stay in my seat!
I now go back hospital every 2-3 days to change my plaster as the war wound on my arm looks very medieval. I will only have the plaster on until the 21st. Then they will X-ray again and we will know more.
Keep Smiling 🙂 slow down and enjoy right now! Remember to be the best person you can as you in the end have to endure your own company forever.