It’s past midnight 

In the worlds most hidden hospital room, that now has been found twice by outsiders (woo hoo for visitors!) the clock has turned past midnight. It is now officially Thursday.

The staying in hospital and getting stronger is ok. You are locked away in a small room far away from other people to interact with. Given small incentives of what you can do. For example I had 3 of my drains removed today! This means I can go to the loo on my own just carrying my one remaining drain!

It’s very quiet here in my secret part of the hospital. Have I’d been more inclined to sleep I’m sure I would have done a great job sleeping… I’ve had more news today. They want to keep me here for another week. This is so everything should be more healed and to remove my port a cath next Tuesday night. If all goes well I can leave here next Wednesday…

I’ve realized how sensitive my skin is. The longest cut on my body is the hip to hip cut. That’s where the majority of stiches have been made. They have put solvable stitches on the inside and some fine fishing line stitching on the outside. On top of the stitches there is 3m tape holding the sides together. Today I removed the 2 main drains from my stomach. The nurse found 4 or 5 areas with really bad blisters. Also on the left hand side of the stomach, the drain had bled quite a lot.

Got bored about writing at 1am, now it’s 4am.

The drains were awful to pull out! Gosh they were lodged a 20-30cm in to the wound. They were held in by a couple of mega stiches made out of either steel or thick wool. After the nurse had cut them off she had to jank and pull to get them freed from the stomach. The pain was rather superficial, as you compare things to be pain wise in this labyrinth of nasties, but the feeling when they pulled them out was indescribable. It was like a live animal was being pulled out against its will, trying to make as big a scene of it as possible. The right hand one finished by coming out with a huge “plop” sound followed by a hissing of air, totally freaky creature sounds!

I have been told they are keeping me for another week so I’m not being let out of here until Wednesday next week the earliest. That is so they can leave my on remaining drain in for longer as well as my port a cath, if they need to access my blood or give me IV.

This is a bonus I hadn’t thought of. I’m now able to sneak off to the loo for a private one-on-one business. Even without nurses, doctors or kids interrupting me!

Although I couldn’t recommend people to try this experience for additional writing. It just doesn’t seem worth it. The non sleeping business to begin with. A recommendation for writers, don’t try and injure self or get life threatening disease as even though you might enjoy reading about what happens to people here I’m sure there are other ways of shifting writers block!

I had a dear friend who happens to be a writer describe me as something wonderful last week: “I think you’re a feisty light being. Like an angel in disguise taking on some of the biggest challenges xx” Well I certainly love being a feisty light being! I’m going to try and keep being this for as long as I can.

More about the corset fitting tomorrow.

Keep Smiling 🙂 let the feisty light beings improve your lives wherever you are!!! 


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