Oh my God! Dan is gone! He has gone to England today and I have now 4 1/2 hrs by my self before Mercedes Lopez turnes up to become my new “carer”!
8.30am work on fit ball. I was sitting on a fit ball with my feet forward then using my seat either forward/backward or sideways. This sounds very straight forward but it made my entire body shake.
9am Ergotherapie with Angelina, she had the test ready for me again from Monday but after she saw how much I was shaking she decided to wait until this afternoon to see if my left side is up for it or not.
I was thinking of putting photos of me doing some of the training here, but following the 10:45am therapy I decided it probably wouldn’t be such a great thing. I do everything with very little control or no control. If I was posting a video or photo of anyone else with my disability I would probably be sued or something similar so I wait until I can control more! During this 30 min it was floor work mostly. On all 4. Or getting up. Turning around. Go on my back. Lie on my stomach. Then stand up again. New trainer called Ennio. Think I need to walk more. Think he needs to read my file…
Came back for a lie down before lunch and then discussed with Dan everything thats happening in the next few days.
Got news on facebook that Canora had won a 140 yesterday! Well done Alexander Zetterman!
After lunch my test was awaiting me.
The tiny lego like sticks to be put in and taken out of holes on a timed limit.
Thee therapist asked me if I was too tired. I checked my hands and said… -No they look fine to go.
I fist had to do a “power of hans” test where right hand scored 18kg and the left hand scored a 4kg… not sure what it means as I cannot lift anything close to 4 kg but it probably just is a measure of some kind.
I then got to do the test. Its called an NHPT here if you want to look it up. I started with my left hand. Miracle! This time the hand could place the little white sticks in the holes! It could also remove them all. The time completed was 49 seconds! The right hand that on monday had scored an impressive 27 seconds, now went again and scored a mighty 20 seconds flat! I was so happy! Nothing else mattered!
After my session Dan picked me up before he left for the airport. I then got to wheel myself all the way back to room 109. Working the wheels of the wheelchair all by myself. Left hand has some issues….
Now waiting for Mercedes to get here!
So to finish off todays update a story sent to me from my lovely husband who had got it from Carole Allen
Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter.10 men and 1 woman.
The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave,
Because otherwise they were all going to fall.
They weren’t able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech.She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.
As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping . . .. . . .
Have a great evening!!!!
Love the poem!! Women are so much more intelligent than men! Keep up the good work! Get Dan to bring your massage bed back for you…
S xxxx
What an inspiration to others!
Im really enjoying to read how strong you are being and how unfazed and determined you are to get through this…..
just remember that patience is a virtue, all good things come to those who wait and if at first you dont succeed,……try, and try again!
Chin up and stay strong,
Lara x
Hej hjärtat!
Du kanske kan lägga upp lite bilder på ditt rum istället så får vi se hur du har det. Nyfiken i en strut! Jag och tjejerna har tittat på den lilla drinkfilmen minst 100 gånger idag. Hedda skriker “meja” “meeeja”. De är nog helt faschinerade av din hårfärg 🙂 Jag är helt faschinerad av dig, du ser fantastisk ut! Heja, heja. Många lyckotårar har rullat idag när jag tänker på din tuffa resa och att du kämpat på så bra. Love u!
Hej, härligt vad du kämpar på och med din ärliga och öppna dagbok så att vi får följa dig på den här jobbiga resan! Många kramar och tankar till dig!