Bad Schinznach Day 6 Saturday

So I thought with my new life weekends should make more difference. Today it’s Saturday and Mercedes is going home (very sad as she has been an inspiration to be around) and guess who is coming tonight? Dan and Myrna and Melonie!! Millie and Niknak had to stay at home as the hotel is full of guests.

This morning Mercedes and I started with breakfast followed by 30 min in the gym. This is without therapists just ourselves wanting to sweat it all out.

I started on 10 min bike level8. 60-70 rpm and no arms as it made my left arm a bit funny last time.

This was followed by some fit ball work forward/backwards side ways and hula hoops. I could definitely feel it in my stomach muscles afterwards.

I then went on the leg press. 60kg for 2 legs pressing down 22 times I then lowered the weight to 50kg and did 20 repetition on both legs as singles!

My legs were shaking and just getting myself back across the gym to sit on my fit ball again took a lot of effort. Not so much more work was needed and I have never been so glad to see my wheelchair again to take me back to my room.

Mercedes packed and left. I was again left to my own devices, could never be a good thing.

My brain is working at super power sometimes. It used to before the accident as well but I could compensate by being a fast person as well. Now when my brain is racing my body just feels dull.

I went for lunch on my own and spoke to some of my next table guests. You always have the same table for lunch and dinner so you tend to know the culinary preferences of your fellow patients that sit close to you. Mr Texas who also sleeps in the room next to mine (neighbour) always has meat and potato. The french looking man that sits with him who is a fellow patient that has chosen to sit together rather than alone always have a lot of vegetables. I saw on the numberplate on his wheelchair that he lives on the second floor.

Today I am really challenging my walking and in the restaurant it’s a very good way of showing of your moves. A lot of people that have seen you ever day since you arrived and they are so impressed they shout out a little cheer when  you pass them. Oh the heart grows warmer and a little bigger!

2.50pm Physio theraphy with Susanne. She is new to me as it’s weekend training. First we do some walk training and then head for the stairs. I go up and down holding on to one rail but otherwise unaided.

Then she really gets into it. Lets me stand on one step with one leg, then step up the other one several times.

To step up foot to second step in a straight line and step up sideways without holding on to anything. Then she showed me an arm exercise sitting down. Hard!

She finished off walking me back to my room and in my room she found more training to do! Stepping up one leg on a step only then to flex your hips right and left.

Oh dear I just talked to Dan. They are still coming but he has now got a throat infection. When will all this bad luck ever end? 2012 year of energies. My left hand has started to protest a little now. I just don’t know if I should see it as a positive -Ah my left hand and arm CAN feel! or as a negative -Oh dear I have over done it.

I will not comment on the video chosen by Mercedes yesterday. Can’t remember it’s name but after47 minutes and we were still waiting for it to start being funny (never happened) or us getting it (neither happened) so we saw the first one of a TV series called Once upon a time. It was pretty good but Mercedes having read by blog from yesterday was fast forwarding as soon as there was childbirth or fighting. (bless her) I now want to find the next in the series so I can see all of it!

I am missing my horses and today is the first time I am thinking about riding again.

I wonder if that will happen?

I am sure this place with all therapy will get me back to a fit state again body wise. It’s just the brain we have to work with now…

10 thoughts on “Bad Schinznach Day 6 Saturday

  1. Reading your blog has become a daily routine in our household. So impressed with you but then we really wouldn’t expect anything less from you either! All our love Sue, Ollie, Lara and Yaz xxx

  2. You are a remarkable woman. Your strength is inspirational. I hope you make a full recovery. God bless you and your family at this hard time for you all.
    Lots of love and kindness. Judith Gardner

  3. Hey gorgeous Em,

    So pleased you decided to share your experience on line. It’s wonderful to be able to read your progress. Have a great time with Dan and M&M tonight. I’ll have a think about some fun/inspirational films / books to keep your chin up. Have you watched / read the Horse Whisperer recently or is that too close to home? I’m so pleased you’re thinking about riding again. It’s in your blood and it shows your etching back to where you need to be. Will keep sending you lots of reiki and lots of love xxx

  4. Hey Emelie

    Just keeping up with your progress and sending you lots of love from NYC. Really rooting for leftie to catch up with rightie! But can see even from how much longer your stories are each day how much you are improving.

    Best wishes for super speedy recovery,

    Helen xx

  5. Jag läste om din hemska olycka på Facebook. Very scary!!! Jag hejar på från Stockholm och hoppas på ett snabbt återhämtande!!! Stora styrkekramar från Louise

  6. Hej!

    Vill du att jag ska beställa Once upon a time, season 1 och ta med till dig pâ torsdag? Annars tänkte jag ta med mig lite andra svenska serier.

    Massa pussar och kramar Cecila

  7. Wow Emelie, I can’t believe how much progress you are making and so quickly. I bet you miss your horses, but knowing you there is nothing that will keep them out of your life for long. We are really enjoying your blog and being able to track your progress. Dan’s emails were very entertaining but there’s nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth (pardon the pun!). Enjoy the family and keep us posted. Lots of love from us all here x

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