It’s odd, as I drive myself and clients around the north of England looking at horses and planning flights to get to Stockholm, I have to stop myself for a while, this is me, again! I’m alive!
For some of you it might seam like a stupid thing to do. To push myself so early after an major operation, not to give myself a safetynet to fall into, if I was to fall. But I guess this is how I’m designed. If I can push, I keep pushing.
I know I’ve only “been back” for a couple of weeks, if that, but I feel as strong and energized as I was before all this years hardships. So for me a combined trip to look for new horses for clients as well as myself in combination with flying to Stockholm to watch my 7 year old jump at Sweden International Horse Show, it seamed like the most ingenious idea! Especially as there were direct flights from Manchester to Stockholm as well as direct flight from Stockholm to Palma! Faith had this trip inscripted in the skies!
We found the perfect jumping partner for my client and we proved it today by allowing him to jump at a real show! Clear round and fabulous awesomeness all round. As I was early arriving at the airport to fly to Sweden, I sat down to try and download my emails and get more or less updated on things from my real world. It was so lovely to meet John Whittaker who also is flying out to the SIHS in Friends arena starting tomorrow.
Respect! He is an inspiration for everyone! As he has turned 60 years this year he has almost had as good a year resultwise as he has ever had. He is jumping 2 horses at the show and it will be amazing to see him! He has become a grand father since I saw him last and I got an update on his three children who I don’t really ever meet now that I live in Spain.
My trip also involves spending time with some of my amazing cousins! They are my closests friends. It can sometimes feel a bit far away to live in Mallorca especially when you feel the need to hug them!
As the plane now flies over Surahammar (Sour-hammer) my thoughts go to another friend I haven’t seen for a while as she has been traveling the world working on a yacht. She should be back in Mallorca now and if she by any chance reads this please come and see me when I am back!
On the not so good page of surviving this cancer palaver are my nails. They are beyond disgusting on my toes and beyond brittleness on my fingers. I really need to take something to improve the sorry state of them… Any advises are appreciated!
Keep smiling 🙂 when you are lucky enough to travel, for work or pleasure, you are lucky enough!
Sour hammer. Love it