Today I was bound for my wig fitting. We went to Selfridges, Oxford Street. As it was the first day after the chemo I was quite tired. I woke up feeling nauseous but I took 1 of my 11 prescribed drugs and it seamed to settle the seasickness in bed syndrome. We (me and mum) were supposed to walk to Selfridges but decided to take a taxi.
I arrived 2 hours before fitting so we had a tea break and a little bit of shopping instead. The fitting was painless. I found a wig that felt almost like me. It’s quite short a little blond but with proper roots in darker, so it does feel like real hair! I think it will be fine for every day wear, or I’ve bought a hat that I could use as well.
Then we had lunch. After lunch we went back home. I had to inject myself with an immune system booster. I asked if mum wanted to watch. She misunderstood and thought I wanted her to inject me. I’ve seen her injecting horses so I thought hell no!!!
As I started injecting my belly mum was oooing and aaaring, commenting all the way -more force!!! -harder!!! -oooo, the needle snapped!!! There is no needle!!! (Screaming at this stage)
The injecting syringe was a safety one that “swallowed” the needle into itself when the injection was done! After the injection I had worn mum out and she stayed at home to rest when I went for my last meeting with the surgeon.
There was good and bad news. The good news were all the operation scars looked good! Surgery had gone to plan! The not so good news was the disection of the lymph node had come back with cancer cells. The cancer being HER2+ means that the proteins are a bit faster and more vicious moving. They were not too worried. They keep extra control on the other lymph nodes during the next 6 months. Then when we have the operation in September, they will remove the rest of the lymph nodes. I feel ignorance is brilliance in a way nowadays! It’s nice to know things but in the same way it’s such relief not knowing some details. Well when you can relax and just go with it, not feeling too tired to fall asleep, thinking and brewing thought patterns.
The evening was spent with my lovely cousin Aletta. She works in London and could come to see me straight after work. We had booked a table at the Ritz hotel for High tea!
It was nothing short of brilliant! I can only say, I do not recommend to go to a High tea at the Ritz the day after chemo. It was delicious, no doubt, but there was so much of it! I could eat maybe a third of what we were given. And I’m still in a mode of complete fullness 3 hours after we have arrived back home. Hence blog writing seams on the card!
Tomorrow we wait a few more days here to make sure I can fly back on Sunday. I miss my girls and Dan! I wish they could be here, but maybe for them it’s better they are over there.
Keep smiling 🙂 even with very short hair you can rock it!
Åh Emelie! I dom här lägena låter allt bra plumpt fast det är så mycket man skulle vilja få fram!
Har inte du haft din beskärda del av livets hårda prövningar!? Om jag kunde ge dig all styrka i världen skulle jag göra det! Men är du fortfarande lika stark och envis som du en gång var så kommer du klara det här galant 🙂
Massor av kramar!
The girls and I are v much missing you – they are counting the time down in “sleeps” – as they do before Santa’s arrival. For them this countdown is far more exciting than anything Santa could possibly bring. They are so excited to see you – it’s been a v long couple of weeks, that seems to have been happening in gruesome slow motion…. Keep the patter up, I cannot believe how many people are reading the blog, everyone loves it and is so impressed, especially as it is written in English. It is truly inspirational and demonstrates what a tip-top wife I have. Off to Pollensa to see Mr Prior – Sa Calobra Day today
2 sleeps to go!
Hola guapa,
It’s so “good” to read your blog , you are such a inspiration ! I think this a good book base for other people going threw what you are going threw or having other big probs in life . You make me want to live life to the limit more then I ever wanted to before !
I can imagen how you long to come back home to your lovely family. And the island is just magical at the moment.
Lots of love and sunshine